Everyone has memories to share, keep them alive forever.

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Respectance fully understands that consumer behaviour changes towards death, grief and expressing emotions, and is offering the new way consumers want to interact and engage with death, dealing with a loss, and share that with the people around. Why should you use Respectance? Losing a loved one is hard. To help you and let you hold… Continue reading Everyone has memories to share, keep them alive forever.

Respectance #RIP

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Click here to go to Respectance Respectance’s new platform has officially been launched. To celebrate this, Respectance offers one free year of sponsorship to all existing tributes and two months of free sponsorship to all new tributes. Let’s have a look at Respectance’s new and improved functionalities. Always and everywhere Respectance Last year our users… Continue reading Respectance #RIP

#RIP 2013

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Death by numbers First subject on the infographic is the overall death facts of 2013. For example, did you know that last year 56.608.240 people have died, including 5.003.573 because of smoking?  Some very shocking facts you’ll never think about until you’re confronted. Besides that, there’s a list of the most discussed deaths in 2013.… Continue reading #RIP 2013

United Airlines holds plane so passenger can say goodbye to his dying mother

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  Kerry Drake’s mother was dying. She’d suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for decades and the drugs used to treat her condition had decimated her immune system. One morning his brother called him to say her time had come. Drake caught the next flight from San Francisco, where he works for the federal government, to Lubbock,… Continue reading United Airlines holds plane so passenger can say goodbye to his dying mother

‘When your heart stops beating, you’ll keep tweeting’

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A new Twitter service will allow users to carry on their stream of consciousness in 140 characters or less from beyond the grave. LivesOn will analyse users’ Twitter feeds to learn their ‘likes, tastes, [and] syntax’ to continue posting similar messages, updates and links after they’ve passed. The service, due to launch in March, promises:… Continue reading ‘When your heart stops beating, you’ll keep tweeting’

How 1 Billion People Are Coping With Death and Facebook

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“I think I’m going to go online,” said Cheryl, logging in to Facebook from her hospital bed. She soon reconsidered, however. “I don’t know what to write: ‘Hey I almost died last night. What’s up with you guys?’” Months later, Cheryl died from Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Her partner Kelli Dunham still cherishes funny memories like this… Continue reading How 1 Billion People Are Coping With Death and Facebook

How we communicate death and illness with social media

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The way we communicate about serious illness and death in our private lives has been utterly transformed by social media. Using Facebook, text and even Twitter, as well as reliable old email, we take our most urgent and affecting news and send it on its digital way, barely stopping to absorb its deep impact on… Continue reading How we communicate death and illness with social media

Life & Death

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Expecting a baby? Click here, and share it with your Facebook friends! Facebook recently introduced a new timeline event to its social network, and it’s called ‘expecting a baby’.  The new option gives users the opportunity to share that they are expecting a baby, the due date, whether it’s a boy or a girl and… Continue reading Life & Death